Unpacking Work–Life Balance

Work–life balance — it’s a buzzy topic. For members of our L&S community, the conversation is of both personal and professional interest. We asked alumni, researchers and advisors to share their expertise.

Good Sports

After years of alumni going on to have stellar careers in the sports media industry, a new certificate in the College of Letters & Science has become an instant hit with undergrads.

Phantom Finders

The Wisconsin state map is wrong, and it’s also full of phantoms — but not the supernatural kind. A one-of-a-kind effort by a couple of L&S researchers is tracking down cartographic phantoms around the state.

More from the
Fall 2024 issue

Catching the Baton

Corey Pompey reflects on his five years of heading the University of Wisconsin Marching Band.

Out of This World

Six things we’ve learned from the James Webb Space Telescope.

Booking It

The Center for the Humanities is bringing world literature to high school students around the state.

Bottled Up

Manny Teodoro digs into U.S. consumers’ deep-seated distrust of public water.

Taking the Plunge

One century later, undergraduates still find paths to a freshwater future at Trout Lake Station.

Swinging for the Fences

Rick Schlesinger is the hand that guides one of Major League Baseball’s most clever and efficient teams.

Stronger Together

For Julie and Peter Weil, making an impact means connecting knowledge, perspectives and people.

Mapping the Wisconsin Idea

A look at how the College of Letters & Science impacts each of Wisconsin’s 72 counties.

The Human Side of Technology

Professor and Director of the Information School Alan Rubel explains how information schools sit at the center of computing technology, data and people.

2024 aurora borealis as seen in rural Columbia County.
The strongest solar storm in decades lit up the Madison sky on May 10 and 11 after a wind of charged particles from the sun crashed into Earth’s magnetic field. Collisions between the particles and molecules of oxygen and nitrogen produced the characteristic colors of the aurora borealis, seen here in a panorama of four combined images taken in rural Columbia County. This photo was taken by astronomy and physics undergraduate student Samuel L. Warfel, and it was picked as a winner of UW–Madison’s annual Cool Science Image Contest. You can see all of the winners at the McPherson Eye Research Institute’s Mandelbaum & Albert Family Vision Gallery on the ninth floor of the Wisconsin Institutes for Medical Research through the end of the year. Photo: Samuel L. Warfel
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